Week 4 (9/14/2021)


Week 4 (9/14/2021)

* Disclosure for this night: Alex and Ryan were not able to attend so it was 3 games of 1v1 between Keegan and Sean*

Game 1

Sean – Rhys | Keegan – Kemba

I was not there for these games so I am going to make up how I think the games went.

Keegan piloting his cat waifu was directly in his wheelhouse. Operable at 3 mana? Check. Cats in the deck and command zone? Check. Equipment and enchantment heavy? Check. Has white? Check. Yup, this is a Keegan deck. All joking aside, this deck is a house for what it can do at low mana. Tokens off of top tier equipment is the perfect recipe for some protection against elves.

Sean had Rhys, which is another Keegan built deck. Sean is seasoned in his tokens through his 60 card squirrels deck, and in my opinion, is a top tier selection for him. The only disadvantage that I see is a lack of access to blue, which means not top tier card advantage that Sean is a fiend for. But overall, I think that this deck is very well built and a letal weapon in Seans hands.

The game opens up with a quick drop and early game ramp from Sean, while Keegan most likely hits a T1 Enlightented Tutor for a Land Tax. The game continues with Sean doing his absurd elf things, creating mana from thin air. Keegan’s board is slowly building, but Sean’s is growing at an exponential rate. Sean may have only hit 5 lands, but he is making enough mana to kill a full grown elephant. Luckily Keegan was able to hit a couple lands off of his tax, and by T5 he was able to glue a Spirit Mantle to Kemba and get in for some damage. But, by T7 Sean is ready to jam and end the game. He takes his legions of elves and swings into the kitty party. Channeling his inner Bubbles, Keegan refuses to have his cats die, and casts his signature ramp card at the attackers. It is a Settle Wreckage. Instantly Sean’s legion of pointy ear bastards (go dwarves) is exiled from the plane of existence.

After this decimating blow, Sean is able to search up his library and pull out every single basic he has. If he is allowed to untap he will be right back behind the helm of a pure beatdown. He passes knowing that his ability to untap is going to lead to his win, but Keegan being the main character in the anime has other things to say. He swings into Sean with his legion of kitties, and chips away at the high life total Sean has been hiding behind his horde. Now it is time for Keegan to spring his trap card. He taps out his 7 mana and casts a Armageddon in an attempt to do a pseudo lock on Sean. But wait theres more. He holds priority and casts Teferi’s Protection while Armageddon is on the stack. Protecting himself and his precious kitties and lands, he phases out.

In a crushing defeat Sean scoops with soulless eyes, knowing he has no chance at recourse. Luckily Keegan took a picture of himself and Kemba after the game so we could see the expression on his face here.

Game 2

Sean – Obuun | Keegan – Zaffai

Game two meant that Sean was out for blood. On the limited pool of decks he rolled up Obuun, with what I suspect was a weighted die (lol). This deck needs no introduction, its is a lead sled, and the conductor was full of rage from his previous loss.

Keegan on the other hand was living off the natural high of the combo kill he had last game. He rolled up Zaffai, a brand new deck for this month. The deck is pretty close to stock from the precon, with the only additions of Contact Other Plane and The Locust God. At it’s heart it is a spellslinger that is looking to copy big mana spells, and do insane burn damage to random opponents. Letting them get into the late game is like playing russian roulette.

The game starts out with Sean using his weighted die again to get first play. Seething with rage he mana wove his opening hand to have a T1 Sol Ring (*Author’s Note: Sean irl is a very nice dude and super mellow. Nothing like I write him here. Just having a piss with this all. But he did get a T1 Sol Ring irl). Seeing that Sean dropped a T1 Sol Ring, Keegan was praying to Heliod that he grabs a sol ring off the top, only to be letdown by a Temple of Epiphany (yeah I hate the temple cycle, you got an issue with it put a comment down below and we can argue). From here Sean plays land storm and just stacks counters on to Obuun and jamming with big ass lands and a big ol Obuun.

As the final land hits Sean is elated, the rage took over like he was Guts and drove a 6 turn victory home. He also decided to snap a picture of himself after the game and it can be found here.

Game 3

Keegan – Locust God | Sean – Zaffai

For game three the tension was high, with the series locked in at one a piece, the Mana Addict giants rolled up their decks. Fate was interested to see a clash of the colossus with even footing, so they gave em both spell slinger decks. Keegan got the Locust God, while Sean buckled in with Zaffai. The stage was set, a final game, two spell slinger decks. Find out what happens next week on Dragon Ball Z!!!

The games started out slow, with 5 turns of land pass, as the brinkmanship continued. Each player knew, the first to cast loses. Unable to wait any longer, with his hand on his blaster, Keegan shoots first, dropping the God on turn 6. Knowing the junior pot head mistake Keegan made, Sean drops Zaffai and a rock and passes with false despair in his eye. Keegan thinking he has the gas plays out his draw and wheels, making a plethora of locusts in the process. In a swift turn he swings in on Sean for 24, dropping him to 14. Keegan passes threatening lethal with a smug look on his face, enjoying the beatdown he was giving Sean with his own deck.

Sean on the other hand had wheeled into exactly what he wanted. He casted an overloaded Cyclonic Rift, launching Keegan back into the stone age with a board bounce. Oh, and Zaffai shat out a 4/4 elemental token causeeeee why not??? From that point forward the Locust God was never reborn. Every time he was cast he was countered, and if Keegan countered that, well you know the answer. It was music to the spellslingers ears, the wails and wallows of Keegan getting beat into a corner through sheer counter magic. In the end, the tale rights that Sean was victories and Keegan swore off never to build a spell slinger again. Last I talked to him, he was spending a therapy session a week on Zaffai.