Week 5 (9/28/2021)


Week 5 (9/28/2021)

*Alex was not at this night due to his girlfriend being ill and was afraid of Covid positive. Of course she gets tested an hour into league and is negative. Sucks to be last I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯*

Week 1

Keegan – Locust God | Ryan – Uril | Sean – Kemba

Since I was not here for these games these write ups will be shorter. But I do thank Keegan for providing me with some notes.

Ryan ended up being on the play with Uril, which is a huge advantage in this game. Kemba is not exceedingly fast due to being mono white and double devotion, and Locust God is a snowball deck and not exceptionally fast to pop off with Sean’s current build. From the notes provided, Uril put the beat down on pretty quick. Keegan was first out in this game. It makes absolute sense for most likely Ryan to target Keegan here. Locust god is such an issue for Uril due to the counter magic and the flyers. So seeing Keegan gets eliminated first and it is just Kemba and Uril left. The Voltron Convention has started.

I do not have the full story on board state here, but Sean was low on land drops and mana and ended up scooping at 37 health giving Ryan the W. As commissioner of the league I do not like to see people scooping early, but after talking to Ryan it sounded like he was dead on board. I imagine that the game may have been dragging a bit or was going a bit long, and Sean did not see a way out due to the hexproof and most likely indestructible from Uril. So I want to see the games played out, but I respect the view of knowing winning was most likely out and scooping to ensure 3 games get in.

An MVP Keegan proudly told me during this game was Contested Cliffs. It sounded like he was able to use it as a control piece by using it to target Kemba and Locust God on a couple of occasions during the game. Keegan has been a “pioneer” within our group for utility lands. If you check out his lists you will see a handful in most decks, with Uril having quite a few. As a player, I love to see shit likes this. I love seeing oddball cards putting the beatdown in a matchup where the power level for our meta is pretty high across all the decks.

Game 2

Keegan – Elenda | Ryan – Jirna Kudro | Sean – Obuun

Sean obviously used his weighted die to roll up Obuun(lol), was ready to come out and give an ass beating. Keegan rolled up Elenda, who was a new addition to the league this month. She is a blend between tokens and vampires, plus a splash of aristocrats. She is a house in multiplayer, and a great pull for the sac addict Keegan is at heart. Ryan had pulled another new addition to the league in Jirna Kudro, the clan leader of the Mardu humans package. I absolutely love this deck, and it is pretty powerful without a full blown upgrade. I have only gotten to play it a handful of times, but it did a lot of work. Just want to note that all the decks in this game were registered with Sean, which is pretty wild to see.

I have very little info on this game, but I assume that Sean was targeted hardcore due to the performance that Obuun has put on in the past. Keegan had first turn off of natural 20 on the turn roll. Ryan ended clinching another win in this game, with I imagine Keegan and Ryan teaming up to beat down Obuun before he can beat them both down at the same time. I imagine Sean was saltier than the Atlantic on the team up. But to be totally honest, Sean at the helm of Obuun is one of the most dangerous setups in the league. So cheers to Keegan and Ryan for finishing Obuun off before he could eat their souls.

Game 3

Keegan – Jirna Kudro | Ryan – Zaffai | Sean – Alela

The main talking point of this game was that Sean had rolled up Alela, who in my opinion is the most powerful deck in the league. It is a stax package that creates wincons off of the stax pieces. If Alela is not dealt with early and fast, then she most likely will lock the game down and be unstoppable.

I just want to note for readers this weeks meta. Our 3 person games outside of league nights are notoriously cutthroat, so within league they are even more savage. Sean was hilariously unlucky with his deck rolls in this weeks meta. Obuun is either the 2nd or 3rd most powerful deck in our meta, and Alela as stated above is #1 to me. With only three players it is very easy to have two target the most powerful, and is often the outcome in our meta. So Sean had fantastic rolls tbh, even Kemba is great, but he just got them at the wrong time.

Keegan had rolled up the highest for turn order, so he can thank his weighted dice for that again(lul). Ryan ended up having to mulligan to 6, and that is with one free mully. So he is at a huge disadvantage off the grip with that. The game came to a definitive end when Keegan swung 10 4/4s into Sean, killing him on the spot. Then Ryan swung back at Keegan with 3 5/5s to kill Keegan who was at 12 health. Do not know the rest of the board state, so I do not know if Keegan’s choice of the full swing was correct, but regardless it resulted in another win for Ryan.

This means that Ryan got a sweep on the night, the first in the league for this. Legend says that when he was leaving Keegan’s house, the entire block tossed their hats out the window to celebrate the hat trick.