Week 9 (11/23/2021) (2HD)


Week 9 (11/23/2021) 2HD

The Addicts go to the Clinic

Game 1

[Keegan – Kami | Ryan – Elenda] vs. [Sean – Teysa | Alex – Kaalia]

With the three way tie for first after the first week, everyone but Keegan (don’t you feel bad for him, don’t you do it) rolled for leaderboard position for the night. Ryan rolled the highest and got paired with Keegan, shaking up the pairings for the first time in four months (lmao).

There was no new decks in the fold, but big money winner Ryan had recently upgraded Kami. He leaned much harder into the mill theme he had conceptualized previously, and plans on a subtheme of steal with Thassa, Deep-Dwelling at the helm. So he went down to Deal Me In Games and got some upgrades for his decks off of his winnings. This is also Kami’s first appearance in a grip, and wanted to make a splashing entrance.

Pregame we saw a Ryan and Keegan win the die roll to go first. Alex ended up getting a first hand Shandalar, and Ryan and Sean took a free mulligan. Ryan took his true free mully as well; and Alex and Sean took their free and down to 6 mulligan. Kaalia was refusing to give mana to say the least.

The game started out slow with no one having access to green to get their ramp on. Around T3 or T4 though, Ryan slammed down Kambal, Consul of Allocation. This humble 3 drop advisor ended up chewing through roughly 14-20 hit points throughout the course of the game.

Quickly Kami got to work and was playing mono blue mill control against Kaalia. I saw in Keegan’s eyes that it hurt him immensely to decimate his beloved deck with mono blue mill. Sike, he loved seeing my bombs hit the yard and my deck depleting rapidly. Sean ended up casting Animate Dead on a Burning-Rune Demon that was in my yard. With this he tutored up both a Priest of Forgotten Gods and a Zulaport Cutthroat. Keegan chose to toss the Priest, but still giving us a win condition. All during this, Kaalia got locked down by Faith’s Fetters and had no bounce to unlock her. It was truly a perfect lockdown for her.

Keegan continued to mill Alex aggressively, going for the 99 hit point win. A large moment came when he kicked a Maddening Cacophony, emptying almost every single win condition out of Kaalia. Sean was able to cast Dawn on Alex’s recommendation, but forgot that the cards did not return to the battlefield and had to discard many. A true error on Alex’s end. Alex was not able to muster any pressure, and all threats were answered by spot removal.

The turbo mills from the improved Kami, plus a late game Altar of Dimentia meant that fuckin Elenda of all decks ended the game on a mill victory. Thus, giving Ryan and Keegan the first game of the night in a bizarre and amazing way.

Game 2

[Keegan – Obuun | Ryan – Korvold] vs. [Sean – Rhys | Alex – Zaxara]

Game two was a new horizon for the losers, but let me tell you, the sun never sets on the British Empire folks. Everyone but Ryan took a free mulligan, which is always a bad sign when playing against Korvold. And since Alex was on Sean’s team, Ryan and Keegan won the roll to go first.

The game was all gas and no breaks, in the beginning. Keegan slammed down Obuun on T3, while Ryan and went T2: Blood Artist –> T3: Bastion of Remembrance. By T3 the game was shaping up to be a true ass whooping from Keegan and Ryan. But Sean was starting to get the elfball going, and Alex was attempting to understand how X spells that aren’t Torment work.

It must be noted that on T4 Ryan fetched for an Overgrown Tomb and did not shock it in because he was role playing as Bastet.

Turn 5 was the turn that shook Alex to his core. By this point both Keegan and Ryan had formidable boards that were looking to close in the next couple of turns it seemed. Rhys had hit a couple of key pieces that help the ball to continue, and Alex was smoking L’s with a couple of Hydras. Keegan snaps off a Planar Outburst to wipe the board before the end of their turn. Initially Alex thought, “Well shit, must have had a board that scared them and nothing in hand for them.” But then, he realized what they wiped from their board. A couple of key pieces for Korvold and a tall Obuun. Then he realized. That they were unfazed by the wipe and it was not even a scratch on their well oiled machine. All Alex saw was the devil’s smile from the opponents. (Author’s Note: Fire Force is a must watch).

From this point on it was just the Korvold and Obuun show. I have little to no notes on what happened outside the ending. And dear god was it spectacular. Korvold was comboing as it does, and hit a Scapeshift for 8. Ryan discards after more absurdity and passes turn. Sean and I try to get some answers, but no real threats. Then Obuun throws a Scapeshift the fuckin turn after for about 13. Korvold then swung and hit a post combat Fling (wtf is this always the win???) for the win.

As I said, the sun never sets on the British Empire.

Game 3

[Keegan – Alela (Nat 20) | Ryan – Kaalia] vs. [Sean – Uril | Alex – Rhys]

So yeah, I have 4 lines of notes on this game, so this will be a short game.

Ryan rolls Kaalia, then right after Keegan nats and takes his waifu. This was a true exhibit of his decks as well. Alex went to 5 on 3 mulligans, and both Keegan and Sean took their free one. Just guess who won the damn roll? Yup.

So the game went like this:

  1. Alex T1: Forest –> Sol Ring –> Emerald Medallion –> 2 cards in hand
  2. Rest of T1-3: Filler
  3. Ryan T4: Attacks with Early Kaalia –> Portal in Avacyn
  4. Rest of game: alexandsean.jpeg

Do I actually have to say the winner?


This was our first fullblown sweep 2HD of the league. And let me tell you, being on the receiving end fucking blew. But truly, it was nice to give some charity to Keegan. Nah all jokes aside, it was demoralizing.

The honest truth is that it displayed exactly what the game of Magic is about. Sean and I had a great selection of decks, throughout the night. But Keegan and Ryan had often better decks and just the right pulls. The first game they had an astounding win that was truly deserving of a highlight reel, second game just were in sync and loaded. And third was a true flex of power.

It just so happened that the cards fell right when they needed to for Ryan and Keegan. It was a true clinic from them. As the grand wizard of the Mana Addicts, I officially dub their 2HG team The British Empire.