Week 7 (10/26/2021)


Week 7 (10/26/2021)

*Needs to be noted that Sean was not present due to him being on his honeymoon. As a collective, the other Addicts would like to congratulate him and his wife on this momentous event. We wish you both the best and would like to thank you for taking your honeymoon during a league week*

Game 1

Keegan – Zombies | Ryan – Korvold | Alex – Teysa

For the first game of the night, Alex decided to weave the commanders on the shuffles so that everyone got to play one of his decks. The only deck to make a new appearance here was Teysa Karlov. She is a full blown Orzhov aristocrats sac and drain build, which is a shocking build coming from Alex. Fuckin sac wanker

Keegan and Ryan ended up taking a free mulligan a piece, and Ryan ended up rolling to go on the play. The game kicked off with Ryan discarding a Tireless Tracker on his T1, which then got instant accusations of sandbagging his T1 (primarily from Alex). But he ended up casting Reanimate on T2, dropping that value engine onto the battlefield. That target could have been MUCH worse. Alex for his T2 ended up going Cauldron Familiar –> Phyrexian Tower –> Talisman of Hierarchy –> Arcane Signet. Who said you need green to ramp?? Ryan and Alex then ended up casting a Demonic Tutor on their T4. Ryan ended up grabbing Revel in Riches, and Alex grabbed Dictate of Erebos. Keegan casted his commander, but only hit 1 zombie on the mill.

Alex then began whittling down everyone with his aristocrat drain and sac, plus some quality creature tokens. Priest of Forgotten Gods helped him draw cards and gain mana, while working on controlling the board with Erebos backing her up. With this, Zombies stuttered (poor lads), and Ryan started stacking his treasure tokens.

A few turns later everyone but Alex is looking at a low life total, but Ryan has Revel in Riches and 9 treasure tokens on board after a suicide bomber sac from Alex. Ryan at the beginning of his upkeep ended snapping off a devastating Vona’s Hunger, ending the game right on the spot and taking another point off the table.

Alex looked salty from losing to his deck again, but was secretly thrilled at the Revel win.

Game 2

Keegan – Rhys | Ryan – Zombies | Alex – Kemba

The next shuffle up saw two of Keegans decks, and one of Alex’s. All reoccurring offenders for deck lists. No one ended up taking a mulligan, and Keegan rolled up a T1 with his weighted die.

The game started out normally, with Rhys getting out T1 and Zombies and Kemba hitting their land drops. Alex ended up hitting a T3 Stoneforge Mystic, which grabbed a Sword of the Animist. Unbeknownst to everyone, that play would essentially seal the win for Alex. The sword ended up getting glued onto Kemba and never left him the rest of the game. Consistently ramping Alex and thinning his deck of lands.

Both Zombies and Rhys ended up bricking on lands the entire game, while Alex ramped and hit equipment each turn. The game was short lived and uneventful truthfully. Rhys was stuck on 3 lands when he died, and Ryan maybe hit 4. End of game Alex had a lot of cats and 5 equipment glued to Kemba, and lots of discarded cards in his opponents graveyards.

Game 3

Keegan – Korvold | Ryan – Teysa | Alex – Rhys

Once again, all three decks were either Alex or Keegan’s, and none of Ryan’s decks made an appearance all night. They were also all played earlier and came back like. Keegan took his first mully and ended up flipping a hand with no lands. He then called for the “Shandalar Rule”(this is going to get modified) from the rules, which Alex being an incompetent league manager did not know was in there. So Keegan got another mulligan to 7. Ryan rolled up to be on the play.

It needs to be noted that Keegan is Robin Antin for not shocking in a Stomping Ground(did you know that did not have an ‘s’ at the end?) on T1, and Ryan is a scrub for fetching a Scrubland and putting it into play tapped. Rhys was probably hungover from the solstice, and again shit bricks on mana again. Alex was itching by mid game.

Early game Keegan ended up casting Reanimate on an Ancient Greenwarden in his yard, which was a setup for an ass whooping. But Ryan takes no games off, and was swiftly assembling a legion on his board. They were truly two titans facing off while Rhys threw up the remaining Old Winyards that was in his stomach.

In the end, although Keegan put up a great performance and drew roughly forty cards during Ryan’s last turn, Ryan ended up winning through his drainers and an Ashnod’s Altar to continue to give him mana and an outlet piece.