Week 19 (4/12/22)


Game 1

Sean: Korvold | Ryan: Kami | Keegan: Sygg | Alex: Alela

Coming into the final month of the quarter, Keegan is in the lead by a razor thin margin. Sean is lagging in third but not totally out of contention. Alex is dead in the water lmfao. Nerd.

The first game of the night saw Alex getting his favorite fairy waifu, which forced a groan from around the table. He was not able to get any lands though, and was forced to take his free mulligan as well as a Shandy. Sean also followed this same pattern. Ryan ended up rolling the first turn, which gave Keegan and Sean a sigh of relief that Alex was last in the turn order.

My notes for these games are non-existent, but I do know that Alex had roughly four mana on the first turn. Sean and Keegan started as a pinging showdown, which sparked their once a night McCoy vs. Hatfield showdown. They beat the hell out of each other which ended with their death from Alex and his faerie tokens.

Ryan before their death started to target Alex with the mill plan, with originally it hitting the other two. Ryan was able to hit steal Alela with a Sword of Feast and Famine attached with a Mindflayer. This was a huge blow to Alex’s game plan, for he is super smooth brained and did not attach the sword to any of his tokens and just let Ryan beat the ever loving piss out of him.

Even though Alex was able to slam down some power pieces like Smokestack and Frozen Aether, he did not draw any of his card draw or removal. He eventually got Alela back, but after the board wipes, board bounces, and turbo mill, it was far too late.

Ryan was able to lock in another mill win with the even sneaky Kami.

Game 2

Ryan: Atla | Sean: Shrines | Keegan: Muldrotha | Alex: Hapatra

After that grinding first game, the gods decided that Ryan needed the turbo portal. Would like to note that Shrines have not gotten a great break recently, but I have been loving the Sisay build. Alex and Keegan both took their solo free mulligan, but Ryan was dead set on going first. Which was a bummer for the table lmfao.

Alex got off to a very good start with a mana dork, Hapatra, and a bunch of fuel to feed the -1/-1 engine that she needs. Shrines was rolling, but a bit slower than desired, and Muldrotha was filling it’s graveyard. Atla was, well doing Atla. Setting up the token doublers and sac outlets. It needs to be noted that Deathrite Shaman ate every single card out of Atla’s graveyard for the first half of the game.

Quickly though, Alex found a Hooded Blightfang, and had about 25 snake tokens without summoning sickness. A single swing at Keegan drained the entire table, with the exclusion of Ryan cause of the softest card ever. Without that card, this woulda drained the table down. I will note without that, Ryan would have died. This will be relevant later.

Ryan came back and he was able to tutor up a Sphere of Safety (Ghostly Prison was nowhere to be seen). This limited Alex’s attack, but he was swiftly able to get a Carnifex Demon and Saryth, the Viper’s Fang down. Alex got Ryan down to 6 with the Demon and Blightfang still live. One more swing and that is lethal. Buttttt this timeline said ‘Fuck Alex‘ and Ryan went Spidersilk Armour into a portaled out Realm Razer. Alex was able to secure some more mana, and eventually the Realm Razer was sacrificed, a sliver of hope faded into Alex’s tilted brain. But wait, what’s that? Oh yeah, it is a fucking Magus of the Tabernacle from the top goddamn rope. Whichhh fucked Alex cause he was essentially locked out due to Sphere of Safeties high ass cost thanks more support . Sick. As. Fuck.

ryan wins

Game 3

Ryan: Phylath | Sean: Muldrotha | Keegan: Alela | Alex: Torrens

No mulligans, Keegan went first. Keegan got his shit stomped in first, then somehow Ryan did some shit that killed all of us in a single turn from almost full health. Honestly I have zero clue how he did it, probably some dredge like shit. I was just tryna leave with a small sliver of sanity.