Week 11 (12/21/21)

Week 11 (12/21/21) Game 1 Alex – Obuun | Sean – Arcades | Keegan – Ur Dragon Ryan was unable to attend this week, so…

Week 10 (12/7/21)

Week 10 (12/7/21) Game 1 Keegan: Ur-Dragon | Ryan: Codie | Sean: Marisi With a 3 man pod because Alex is a big fat bum…

Week 8 (11/9/2021)

Week 8 (11/9/2021) Game 1 Alex – Phylath | Ryan – Kodama | Keegan – Korvold | Sean – Kemba Kicking off the quarter is…

Staxing Addicts

Staxing Addicts What is this article? I have been considering an article like this for a while, but there is no better time than the…

Week 7 (10/26/2021)

Week 7 (10/26/2021) *Needs to be noted that Sean was not present due to him being on his honeymoon. As a collective, the other Addicts…

Week 5 (9/28/2021)

Week 5 (9/28/2021) *Alex was not at this night due to his girlfriend being ill and was afraid of Covid positive. Of course she gets…

Week 4 (9/14/2021)

Week 4 (9/14/2021) * Disclosure for this night: Alex and Ryan were not able to attend so it was 3 games of 1v1 between Keegan…