Pioneer Boxing League 2023 – ’24

Welcome to the ring!! This is going to act as the landing page for the league.

If you have never been exposed to a boxing league in MTG they come in many different flavors. The base concept is everyone starts with a certain restriction, then you have periods where you can purchase packs and upgrade your decks out of the packs.

This league we all started with Pioneer Challenger decks (players and decks listed below) and every 2 weeks players get 3 packs and can upgrade from it. They also can trade amongst each other or sell it to a local game store (DMI plug) and use just that money to purchase upgrades.

Check out the Rules and Regulations page to be able to look at the rules and layout for the league. This is amongst friends, so while it is competitive, we are not trying to end friendships.

I will keep standings and stats updated on the Standings page, so if you want to follow the madness it will be there!
