Rules and Layout

Mana Addicts Pioneer Boxing League 2023 – ’24

Written by: Commissioner Alex

League Structure

  1. Leagues will run on a bi-weekly basis
    1. Ex: Week 1-2 will be a league, week 3-4 will be a league etc.
  2. There will be a Quarter Cup every 13 weeks
    1. Week 13, 26, 39, 52
  3. We will play best of 3 matches
    1. High roll of a d6 will get to choose to be on the play or draw
    2. Loser of every game after gets the choice for the following game
      1. Ex. Player 1 lost game 1. They get to decide if they go on the play or draw for game 2
  4. Each player has picked a Pioneer Challenger deck to use
  5. The format is Pioneer, players will adhere to current banlists
  6. Points will be tracked per quarter and on a yearly basis.
  7. Point system:
    1. Match Win: 1 pt.
    2. Game Win: .5 pt.
    3. Game Loss: 0 pt.
      1. Example: If you lost a match 1-2 you would be awarded .5
  8. These games can be played on any medium, but will lean heavily towards remote play

League Rules

  1. Decks must be a minimum of 60 cards and sideboards are a maximum of 15 cards
    1. Decks and sideboards will be “locked” during each league; this is at gentlemen’s agreement. Please do not swap main deck or different sideboard for each matchup. It ruins the fun of the game
  2. Only cards legal in the Pioneer format are allowed to be played
  3. Players will schedule matches with other players on their own time table
  4. Players are allotted $40 to upgrade their deck before the start of the season
    1. This $40 of TCG Low. If you purchase a $1 card for $5 at your LGS because they only had the foil showcase, it only counts as $1 towards your overall budget
    2. Decks that have cards on the Pioneer Banlist may add the TCG Low of that card to their initial upgrade pool
    3. This budget does not roll after league start (4/30/2023)
  5. Every league a player is allowed 3 packs of a Pioneer legal set to open per league
    1. These are strictly draft boosters. No Set or Collector boosters allowed
    2. If you buy a prerelease kit you can use the promo rare in your pool
  6. Players may use opened cards to:
    1. Upgrade their decks
    2. Sell to an LGS and use ONLY that money to buy singles for upgrades
      1. You may use cards you own from this budget as well; just deduct the TCG low from your LGS credit; again it is a gentleman’s agreement
    3. Trade with fellow players
      1. I will not regulate the fair trade values of trades. Do your best to get your best value out of a trade. Unfair trades can ruin a meta (fantasy football experience for 5+ years)
    4. Buy staples and lands off themselves at tcg low
      • Want players to never sell mana bases and/or format staples. Keep em.
  7. Cards from the starter, bought on the $40 budget, opened from league packs, traded, and bought from trade in credit for are all part of your “legal card pool” (ie they are always accessible for deck building)
  8. If you do not understand an interaction take time to look it up and come to an understanding with your opponent
    1. If neither can find a solution, try the group chat(s)
    2. If that fails, just come to an agreement on it
  9. Basic lands of any type (snow included) are always free $ changes

Amendment 7.25.23

A player will receive a game loss if:

  1. Their deck contains cards that are not Pioneer legal. Please use Scryfall to check if your cards are format legal
  2. Their deck contains sideboard cards prior to having the option to sideboard

These situations can happen, just be honest and call it out. Human error happens, just some guidelines if we run into it

If a card is banned in the format during an active league:

  1. If a player has started their league matches with a previously not banned card, they may finish out the league with the card(s). At the end of the league they must remove that card from their pool.
  2. Any card that is in someone pool and gets banned, the player will get the TCG market price credited back into their pool for the card.

Quarter Cups and Grand Prix Structuring

  1. There will be a Bo3 play-in match between the 4th and 5th seed; the winner gets to join the big dance
  2. Quarter Cups will be 1st seed vs. 4/5th seed and 2nd seed vs 3rd seed
    1. Winners of those matches will play each other in the finals
    2. If there are ties we will use your PGW% (Played Game Win %) as the tie breaker
  3. These will consist of 5 game matches
    1. The first 2 games will exclude the option to sideboard
    2. Game 3-5 will fully allow players to sideboard
  4. Play or draw choice for the 1st game of every match goes to the higher seed
  5. These will awarded points in the same manner, so winning matters a ton

Discord Layout


  • This is an area to post and discuss general league matters


  • This will be the home of rule changes in general and this document
  • Please only discuss or leave questions / comments about league rules or game rulings


  • This is your general banter, shit talking, questions, discussion, link dropping zone
  • Toss in testing requests, or whatever here


  • These is where you post your match results
  • Please use this format:
    • Player 1 vs. Player 2
    • Winner
    • Winner game record
  • The loser should then confirm with a “yes” of some kind if this info is correct. Notify if not
  • Example:
    • Chandra vs. Nissa
    • Nissa Won
    • 2-1
      • Chandra: This is correct
  • Any questions ask Alex


  • This channel is to post (if you want to) packs that you opened for the flex or to see if anyone wants a trade
  • This is also to post trade propositions and such if you want to in open air
    • Any done behind closed doors can be asked to be made transparent

Match Channel 1 & 2

  • These are to have voice during the matches to talk to your oppo
  • If you are in there but not an active player, please be respectful to those who are playing

Closing Note

This is a league amongst friends, so keep that in mind. It will be played seriously, but nothing is worth losing a friendship over. If you are down to talk to others about deck tuning, I will always be open to help, and assume others will as well. Be cool to each other. Post game if you stomped someone give some positive feedback or non-negative constructive criticism if they want it on their plays or their deck. There will be prizes for quarter winners and grand prix winner, but nothing worth losing a friendship over. Be cool and be fair.